This portion of the O.B.E is dedicated to those of you who are among the living. During the course of the year, feel free to e-mail the O.B.E. with thoughts, opinions, and general fun stuff.

This page reads from the bottom up. Wanna go directly to the oldest postings? Just press this thingy.

Since my entry is made of Oldest Celebrities and the minimum age is 96, it has skewed the way I look at age. Cloris Leachman just died, and when I saw that she was 94, my first thought (actually my second thought, because first I was genuinely sad because we've lost a truly great actress and a decent person) - what I thought was how she was too young to have been on my list. 94 and too young??!!! I doubt those are the thoughts of most normal people. Do you see what this competition is doing to me? In my eyes, if you're not 96 or more, you're gone before your time.

Hey there's nothing wrong with wishing someone a long life, just as long as once they hit 96 they have your best interest in mind. There's probably some type of therapy available for you...
Great job this year DPJ.
Was curious if you were going to add folks to the Dead Folks list that may not have been picked or on the master list. Like Tanya Roberts and Don Sutton (he was celeb in LA and Atlanta at least and yet a 3rd baseball player).

Hey thanks for the compliment! The short answer...yes. The long answer... I quizzed The Guys inbetween a round of beers ( (or maybe three rounds) the other day abouth this very subject and it was agreed that top celebrities, even if no one has played them in our Death Watch, should be included. Check for an update soon.


Just so that you may correct yourself for future reference:

Celebrities - NO
Wavy Gravy
Sonny Rollins
Robert Durst
The three listed above ***Not A Celebrity*** for the 2021 OBE. They just aren't. Nope. No way, no how. Don't complain. Don't argue. Don't weep. Just remember and learn...

Celebrities - Yes
Tom Weiskopf
Cale Yarborough
John Daly
The three listed above ***ARE Celebrities*** for the 2021 OBE. They just are. Yes-Way. Yes-How. Don't complain. Don't argue. Don't weep. Just remember and learn...

"I'm a lover, not a whiner"...Michael Jackson


Gosh! How could we have made such an error? Oh wait, we didn't. But we do love to have a beer and talking about celebrities so let's do that.

Now, Tom the golfer and Cale the driver. Famous. No doubt. In their golfey and drivey bubble, but have not made the leap over to "Celebrity".

John Daly does get a special mention if for no other reason than his ability to consume alcohol. He could put a Kennedy family reunion to shame (that's high praise). You would think that alone warrants the coveted leap to celebrity status, but no. Not one guest spot on South Park, or Big Bang Theory, or... well you see where we're headed. Not even a cameo on Celebrity Rehab. So we left John the golfer in the rough.

"If you want to make the world a better place, play the OBE, and give some change"... Michael Jackson


So quick question.... I'm not gonna argue about Ruffo being listed as not a celebrity but I implore you to go back to my original email below, or one that you have in your in box, and see that I listed Tom Brokaw on my list and NOT Tom Cruise like is on the website :)

As much as I expect Mr. Do My Own Stunts to bite it eventually I suspect Brokaw is on the way especially now that he has completely retired.

And btw to prove im not mad about the Ruffo thing I must sent you $10 via PayPal :)



Yikes! By the time I made to your entry I was probably four beers deep. I'll fix it today.

We sure didn't mean to "Ruffo" any feathers (see what we did there?) by denying that pick. Hey, if we were based in Australia Johnny may have had a chance, not to mention we'd have a whole new variety of beers to sample, but he's there and we're here and that's that.

And thank you for your donation and support through the years.

Hey DPJ,

I was wondering, do you miss the excitement of being a participant in the OBE now that you are running it?

Personally, I think I would miss it if I were to take over the pool. I enjoy the competition. Thanks.

I played in various deathpools for nearly 20 years and I do miss the competition (and a little extra beer money) but I had always thought about running my own deathpool for some time. When "The Guys" announced they were thinking about retiring i felt it might be a good opportunity to try. The OBE was always my favorite to play, their humor was always on point, and hey, who's gonna to turn down another reason to have a beer? Not this guy.

Miss the competition? Sure. Excited to keep the OBE going, preserve the legacy of The Guys, and give all the Death Watchers a chance to match wits with others that love this game? Hell yeah! Now time for a cold one and I don't mean a corpse...
I see where you have archives for all previous years, but I'd rather take the easy route and ask you directly. Last yesr the winners correctly predicted 8 celebrity deaths. that"s quite a feat. But is it the highest number? What is the lowest number in a year?

Well now, this will take two things to answer, time and beer, so let's get started...

Mike R. of the 2000 OBE holds the all time record with 10 out of 13 hits. Impressive.

Four players have scored 9 hits (2003, 2005, 2007, and 2013). The one in 2013 was by some awesome player named Deathpool Jeff. Perhaps you've heard of him.

The lowest score to win is 5 which has happened three times: 1999, 2014, and 2015. (1999 was the first year of the OBE and 20 picks were allowed. 13 picks have been standard since 2000).

And there you go! Only took a beer and a half and momma didn't raise no quitter so...

Hey guys too much beer.
Just need one of the Michael Caines taken out. Should be Shannon Doherty.

Fixed. *hiccup*

I am currently tied for second in the 2020 Celebrity Death Watch. If my standing holds, please keep the monetary prize of $150 and use it as my entry fee for the next ten years.

Thanks for keeping the CDW alive.

I hope it holds up for you, looks like now it would. I couldn't imagine the thought of not having the OBE around and The Guys have been great to work with. Thank you for the amazing donation and hoping i can increase the prize pool soon.
And thank you for playing. Good Luck in 2021!

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