PENNY MARSHALL (12/17/2018)
Actress. Age 75.
...This time there's no stopping us. Well, on the other hand....

KEN BERRY (12/1/2018)
Actor. Age 85.
F droop.

GEORGE BUSH SR. (11/30/2018)
President. Age 94.
Walk toward the thousand points of light.

Actress. Age 93.
Little tomb on the prarie.

ROY CLARK (11/12/2018)
Musician. Age 85.
"Yesterday when I was young,
Hee Haw on the air, no pneumonia in my lung..."

STAN LEE (11/12/2018)
Comic Book Legend. Age 95.

WHITEY BULGER (10/30/2018)
Irish Mobster. Age 89.
Man, remember that song Rapper's Delight?
Oh, right...Winter Hill Gang. Sorry.

PAUL ALLEN (10/15/2018)
Businessman. Age 65.
System failure.

BURT REYNOLDS (9/6/2018)
Actor. Age 82.
The longest two yards.

BILL DAILY (9/4/2018)
Actor. Age 91.
Bill Paley.

NEIL SIMON (8/26/2018)
Playwright. Age 91.
The Good-bye Guy.

JOHN MCCAIN (8/25/2018)
Senator. Age 81.
James Garner was a much better Maverick.

ROBIN LEACH (8/24/2018)
TV Personality. Age 76.
Chest pain wishes and vascular screams.

KOFI ANNAN (8/18/2018)
UN Secretary General. Age 80.
Kofi a-gone.

Singer. Age 76.
Her pancreas had a little defect (Just a little bit, just a little bit.).

STAN MIKITA (8/7/2018)
Hockey Player. Age 78.
The ice rink in Ruzomberok, Slovakia, is named after him. Enough said.

CHARLOTTE RAE (8/5/2018)
Actress. Age 92.
The ultimate fact of life.

TAB HUNTER (7/8/2018)
Actor, Singer. Age 86.
It was The Fickle Finger of Fate.

HARLAN ELLISON (6/28/2018)
Writer. Age 84.
Approaching Oblivion.

JOE JACKSON (6/27/2018)
Talent Manager, Jackson Dad. Age 89.
Dude had eleven kids. We're amazed he made it to 89!

Political Columnist. Age 68.

Chef/TV Personality. Age 61.
Ate it!

KATE SPADE (6/5/2018)
Fashion Designer. Age 61.
Kate opted for a different type of bag this time.

JERRY MAREN (5/24/2018)
Munchkin. Age 98.
We knew he was short on time.

CLINT WALKER (5/21/2018)
Actor. Age 90.
Remember Clint in Kodiak? Yeah, neither do we.

Actor. Age 93.
Apparently, he walked toward the Guiding Light.

TOM WOLFE (5/14/2018)
Author. Age 88.
Anagram time: Moot. Flew.

MARGOT KIDDER (5/13/2018)
Actress. Age 69.
Thank goodness we couldn't actually read her mind.
Seems like it was pretty scrambled up in there.

VERNE TROYER (4/21/2018)
Mini-Me. Age 49.
He should have ordered a short beer.

BARBARA BUSH (4/17/2018)
First Lady. Age 92.
She held more than 20 honorary doctorates and she still couldn't get George Jr. to pronounce "nuclear" properly.

HARRY ANDERSON (4/16/2018)
Actor, Comedian. Age 65.
Good Night Court.

ART BELL (4/13/2018)
Broadcaster, Author, Nut. Age 72.
Cause of death under investigation. Suspected: A government sponsored alien
infiltration which employed technology allowing the dead to return to earth and introduce
a yet unidentified virus into Art's water supply. We are told there are tapes and video. More to come....

MILOS FORMAN (4/13/2018)
Director. Age 86.

MITZI SHORE (4/11/2018)
Comedy Club Owner. Age 87.
This woman all but gave birth to modern comedy.
Then she birthed Pauly Shore. Crazy, right?

SUSAN ANSPACH (4/2/2018)
Actress. Age 75.
From Five Easy Pieces to One Susan Ceases.

Activist, Politician. Age 81.
Winnie the blue.

MORGANA KING (3/22/2018)
Singer, actress. Age 87.
Morgueana King.

Theoretical Physicist. Age 76.
Guess this is where theory meets reality.

Actor. Age 75.

NANETTE FABRAY (2/22/2018)
Actress. Age 97.
No! No! Nanette.

BILLY GRAHAM (2/21/2018)
Evangelist. Age 99.
Billy Graham and the last crusade.

MARTY ALLEN (2/12/2018)
Comedian. Age 95.
Goodbye dere.

VIC DAMONE (2/11/2018)
Singer. Age 89.
Singing Was the Easy Part. Breathing, now that was a bit tougher.

JOHN GAVIN (2/9/2018)
Actor. Age 86.
Imitation of Life.

JOHN MAHONEY (2/4/2018)
Actor. Age 77.
Anagram time: A Home Johnny.

MORT WALKER (1/27/2018)
Cartoonist. Age 94.
Morte Walker.

DOROTHY MALONE (1/19/2018)
Actress. Age 93.
The Big Sleep!

KEITH JACKSON (1/12/2018)
Sportscaster. Age 89.
Whoa, smelly!

JERRY VAN DYKE (1/5/2018)
Actor. Age 86.
You can say what you want about Jerry, but he wasn't a Dick.

BRENDAN BYRNE (1/4/2018)
Former NJ Governor. Age 93.
The Man Who Couldn't Be Bought just bought the farm.

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