The Guys' 2016 Picks!

1. PETER MARSHALL - X gets the square....Peter gets the rectangle.

2. IM PEI - The architect of his own demise.

3. ZSA ZSA GABOR - Zsa Zsa Ga-bye.

4. NOEL NEILL - It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's a corpse.

5. QUEEN ELIZABETH II - God Save The Queen, we don't mean it man.

6. CHUCK YEAGER - He won't even hear it coming.

7. STEPHEN HAWKING - Stephen's hacking.

8. JOHN PAUL STEVENS - Adjourned.

9. LIZ SMITH - Time to dish some dirt.

10. FYVUSH FINKEL - Gay Shlafen.

11. JUNE FORAY - Will Dudley Do-Right save Nell this time? We think not.

12. FIDEL CASTRO - From pinko to blue.

13. KIRK DOUGLAS - The Last Sunset.

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