The Guys' 2013 Picks!

1. BONNIE FRANKLIN - ...the one you get to go and have a ball. (Died 03/01/2013)

2. HUGO CHAVEZ - Death, the ultimate Socialism (we all get the same thing eventually). (Died 03/05/2013)

3. ZSA ZSA GABOR - She's a regular Energizer Bunny.

4. GEORGE HERBET WALKER BUSH - He'll always be a Herbert but he won't always be a walker.

5. RONNIE BIGGS - Gonnie Biggs. (Died 12/18/13)

6. MARGARET THATCHER - Because no one should have to live through two Falkland Island conflicts. (Died 04/08/13

7. LARRY STORCH - Heck, we've got to be up to W, X, or Y Troop by this point.

8. C. EVERETT KOOP - C. Everett's pooped. (Died 02/25/2013)

9. PATTY ANDREWS - Is you is or is you ain't our baby Patty? (Died 1/30/2013)

10. FYVUSH FINKEL - Gay Shlafen.

11. JUNE FORAY - Fate of Foray.

12. FIDEL CASTRO - He can Socialize with Hugo.

13. KIRK DOUGLAS - Come on Tough Guy.

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