This portion of the O.B.E is dedicated to those of you who are among the living. During the course of the year, feel free to e-mail the O.B.E. with thoughts, opinions, and general fun stuff.

This page reads from the top down. Wanna go directly to the most recent postings? Just press this thingy

Just wanted to wish you both a Happy New Year and to thank you for continuing OBE. It takes your time and money for no real reward except knowing you're providing entertainment and enjoyment to a few weirdos from around the world.

So on behalf of the Australian members of the group (we all know each other) THANKS GUYS.

Ya know, we really appreciate that. Thank you and Happy New Year to you also!

Nice work guys. The bottom pick on the entries reads Yeardley Smith-Bart Simpson. Yeardley is the voice of Bart’s sister Lisa.

Yes. Too much beer.

Ronald "Ronnie" Hawkins (born January 10, 1935) is a rock and roll musician. He is a cousin to fellow rockabilly artist Dale Hawkins. Known as "Rompin' Ronnie" Hawkins or "The Hawk," he was a key player in the 1960s rock scene in Toronto, Canada and his career has spanned 50 years. During that time, Hawkins has performed all across North America, recording more than twenty-five albums. His best-known hit singles are "Forty Days" and "Mary Lou", about the song narrator's experiences with a "gold digging woman"; both were major hits for him in 1959.

Hawkins is also best remembered for his role as something of a talent scout. He played a pivotal role in the establishment of premiere backing bands, with the most successful being a spin-off of his band, The Hawks. After a move to Ontario, band members dropped out, with the exception of drummer Levon Helm; they were replaced with four Canadian musicians who eventually moved on with Helm as their fifth member, backing Bob Dylan in the late 1960s and taking the name The Band. Other musicians Hawkins recruited provided the makings of Robbie Lane & The Disciples, and Janis Joplin's Full Tilt Boogie Band.[1]

UM, how is this guy not a celebrity? He founded "The Band"

Famous yes... celeb... nope. Which is why he was awarded an honorary degree from Laurentian University in 2005 instead of a Living Legend Grammy. The guy is famous no doubt, but celeb... nahhhh... I mean Canada's Walk of Fame and the Rockabilly Hall of Fame... Did he ever voice a guest spot on the Simpsons or have a candy bar named for him... nope. This is the kind of guy that is no doubt famous in his own genre, but never crossed over to the pop-culture icon of true celeb.

And here's the clincher for us... in his bio it states "In December 1969 Hawkins hosted John Lennon and Yoko Ono for a stay at his Mississauga, Ontario home during the couple's Peace campaign." If we don't know him from this tid bit alone... then he ain't a celeb. Let's face it, we can tell you the names of the non-celebs that went with the Beatles to Marrakesh, but this guy rings no bells...

I want my donation back!!! lol.

Who is Gene Barry?

Dude, he was Ronnie Hawkins' nurse.

touche, douche!

What were the final results for the 2009 death pool?

Also, I let the new year skip me by. Seeing as how no one has yet died this year, would it be possible to put an entry in? Maybe if I give a donation of some sort?

Thanks in advance.

We'd love to have you play, but rules are rules. We'll send a final email in a day or two about the 2009 winners. You can also find this info in the ARCHIVE under the Mausoleum on the main page.

I have to dispute the removal of one of our entries...

What do you have against The Kinks... Dave Davies is a founding member of The Kinks. The Kinks are in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and would definitely make the AP when he dies...

Why was it determined that he is not a celebrity?

'Cause he ain't a celebrity. He's famous. There's a difference. If it was announced that the 'Special Guest Star" on this weeks 'The Simpsons' was Dave Davies 99.99% of anyone wouldn't know who the ehll he was. More people recognize Ann B Davies from the Brady Bunch than this guy. He was no John, Paul, George nor Ringo. Famous, yes... celeb, nope. He has never crossed the line from fame to enter the pop culture stream of consciousness. He was never anything more than that guy from the Kinks... don't agree, take a look at his solo career; one album cracked the the top 100 and that was 29 years ago...

Sorry... our ruling stands. Don't agree... go ask 20 random people on the street and see if they know who this guy is... We think then you'll understand.

Also, if he was Ray Davies he would likely have counted......

Had to try.... :))))

Paul Allen (one of the world's wealthiest people) is NOT a celebrity in your eyes, but WAVY GRAVY (WTF is he, anyway, seriously) is? And not that this has anything to do with me, but how come an "alternate" pick can't be subbed in for a "non-celeb" choice, as deemed by you?

Whoa now. An alternate can NOT be subbed for a non-celeb. The rules only allow for an alternate when a pick dies between submittal and January 1 and 12:00 a.m. It's right there in the rules. As for Paul Allen, sure he's rich. Sure he helped found Microsoft. But he simply doesn't have the name, face, or character recognition that say, Bill Gates or Steve Jobs does. Wavy Gravy does have that name recognition. You don't have to like it, but you do have to live with it.

bobby bowden, y.a tittle, ronnie hawkins, pinetop perkins-i can't believe these people are not celebrities

Believe it.

You have Randy Savage, Stone Cold Steve Austin (whose real name, by the way, is Steve Williams), and Roddy Piper, but do not have Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, or Vince McMahon.

That's because the database is comprised of prior entries we thought were famous. The names you mention haven't been entered. That doesn't meant they aren't celebrities. One would have to enter their names (say in 2011), take the chance that they might get bumped, and see.

I played 'sandstorm' by darude and danced around my house when I learned I was actually still in second.

Did you film that?

Ernie Harwell, not a celebrity?!?! Just because you geeks don't like baseball doesn't mean he isn't a celeb.

He was posted all damn year as being a ****Not A Celebrity*** on the web page and you still entered his name. How much more can we possibly do.

that's fine, but I stand by my statement, how bout a new year's resolution to try to become a little bit more well rounded, cuturally?


I'm so glad you sent this out before I kicked the stool out and the rope went taut. I was so despondent about not having been recognized as the true winner for 2009 I was about to end it all and join the ranks of the dearly departed. Please update our name with "Top of the Reap (The REAL Champs!) I'm sure now that I can put "Winner of the 2009 Fly Me To The Tomb Celebrity Death Watch" on my resume I won't be unemployed for long! Thanks to you, life is again worth living, and hopefully, the people on this year's list will start dying.

RE: Miep Gies
holy crap, how is that a celeb?

Did you and all your classmates read The Diary of Anne Frank in High School (we know the answer is yes). Now, did you and all your classmates run out to buy Making It Again in 1984 (we know the answer to that too).

Not a celeb.

Seve Ballesteros,Ronnie Biggs,Tony Martin,Oscar Niemeyer,Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi(really, a celeb?),Beverly Cleary,Robert Schuller, and not RONNIE HAWKINS?

didn't think I was gonna let this go, did ya?

Did Ronnie Hawkins blow-up a plane over Scotland?

A small sample of friends in my living room yesterday only came up with the golfer with the name Steve without the T. Other than that, no one knew any of those other names NOR did they know who Miep Geis was. Me thinks that you should eliminate those names or give me credit for Ronnie Hawkins. Isn't this fun? LOL.

We're simply not certain which is more incredible: That you've argued this as long as you have OR that you have friends (albeit a small sample).

So let me get this straight: the slutty dumpster whore *daughter* of a hotel chain (Paris Hilton) family can make the list, but the namesake and CEO of a hotel chain (Bill Marriott) is NOT considered a celebrity? If you give me some time, I can guarantee I can find a photo or two of him on the Intrawebs "accidentally" showing off his va-jay-jay at a party at Lil' Wayne's or something.

And by your own test (ask 20 people on the street who he is and see what they say), with a name like Marriott I'm pretty sure all 20 are going to get that right.......

P.S. I had Miep Gies as my last entry, but I asked 20 people on the street who that was and NOT ONE could correctly identify who that was (12 said they didn't know *him*). Heck even I had to Wiki her, and I was going to use her. So I subbed Bill Marriott instead. Go me.

Look, you don't have to like this fact (and believe us, we don't!) but Paris Hilton is WAY more of a celebrity than Bill Marriott will ever be. As for your example, if you ask 20 people who Chester Xerox was they'd explain to you that he was the founder of the Xerox copier company. Thing is, they'd be wrong. There's no such guy. What they would recognize is the name of the business and associate it with the person. It would have absolutely nothing to do with the person him/herself. Now, if you mentioned Bill Gates, Lee Iacocca, Steve Jobs, or John DeLorean you'd get a response about the person. Why? Because each of them is a Celebrity.

Finally, if Mr. Marriott showed his, and we quote you here, "va-jay-jay" at Lil' Wayne's, he'd come a heck of a lot closer to Celebrity status than he is now. This, sadly is the world that we've made for ourselves. High profile skank will trump accomplished businessman in almost every case.

P.S. Bummer for you. Miep Gies would have got you the pick and a hit. You may want to avoid Harry Quality Inn and Jimmy Red Roof on next year's list.

THE DEAD ZONE (The second one):
I have a question-how come one of my picks-wrestler Kurt Angle, is not considered a celebrity but Jake "the snake" Roberts is? Kurt Angle was a WWE/WWF wrestling star and champion for years and a former Olympian Gold medalist.

Please check his wikipedia page and reconsider his status as a celebrity.

With all due respect, don't you think we already read the Wiki and several other sources regarding Mr. Angle. We spend countless hours on this stuff each year. We carefully considered Mr. Angle. In fact, he was one of our toughest choices. We ended up polling six people from different backgrounds and walks of life (really) on Mr. Angle. Not a one knew the poor bastard. We understand your dissatisfaction, but we will not be reconsidering.

THE DEAD ZONE (The original one):
So I see some other parasite has duplicated one of our team names (The Dead Zone) How annoying. Never saw them before. Would it be a huge imposition to change ours to Doug’s Dead Zone? It is distinguished by the lack of a 13th choice, which isn’t a problem in the entries list, but no distinction in the statistics list.

Done. Oddly, at the same time we got your email, we got a complaint from the other The Dead Zone player about their ***Not A Celebrity*** pick.

THE DEAD ZONE (The original one):
Thanks. You see why we don't want to be confused with a whiny ass who can't follow the rules.

My alternate was supposed to be "Haiti"?

Ewww. And we thought our Miep Gies line was tasteless......

Paul Allen, sure he's rich. Sure he helped found Microsoft. But he simply doesn't have the name, face, or character recognition that say, Bill Gates or Steve Jobs does. Wavy Gravy does have that name recognition. You don't have to like it, but you do have to live with it.

OK, I get the "alternate" rule, but WHO does Wavy Gravy have "name recognition with besides other aging hippies? I'm just over 40, and I've scarcely heard of the dude, even in an historical context; as for Trail Blazers & Seahawks owner Paul Allen (who I didn't pick, so I have no real personal stake in this), saying he's not as famous as Bill Gates or Steve Jobs (or Donald Trump) is like saying Jennifer Jones (RIP) or Luise Rainer don't carry the celebrity recognition factor Elizabeth Taylor does; that may be in fact true, yet you allowed numerous votes for Rainer this year, and Jones last year...all I'm saying is that determining who's a "celebrity" and who's not seems a bit arbitrary on your part...

Well Ken, Wavy Gravy has name recognition with us for one. And we're in the exact same age group as you.

Now that Chemical Ali has been executed, I guess Rule 8.2 EXEMPTIONS, Section 4 will be invoked and not counted as a celebrity death. Correct?


MORGUENOLIA BLOSSOM LEE (RE: our Chem. Ali Meesage in the News):
DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RONNIE IS FAMOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When did Ali McGraw start doing drugs and why did they execute her?

We're pretty sure it had to do with all that PETA stuff she's involved with.

MORGUENOLIA BLOSSOM LEE (RE: our Francis Reid Post):
NEVER heard of her.

She's famous for giving The Hawk the best reach around he's ever had.

I am pleased to inform you that Dick Francis, former jockey turned author, died last week aged 89.

I am even more pleased to tell you that my team, Wooden Overcoat Club, is the only one to include him.

Dick Francis? Never heard of him.

He was the Guy who knitted sweaters for Ronnie Hawkins.

BRUCE G. (RE: Alexander Haig):
He immediately held a press conference stating "I'm in charge here in Hell pending the return of Satan."

BRUCE G. (RE: Corey Haim):
"His life finally caught up with his career." or "1 Corey down, 1 Corey to go." or "Art imitating Death."

BRUCE G. (RE: Merlin Olsen):
From Little House on the Prairie to a plot in Forrest Lawn

Drew W.. (RE: Peter Graves):
How about Andrew Koenig? Great opportunity for a "boner" line.

BRUCE G. (RE: Peter Graves):
"From being one, to being in one."

BRUCE G. (RE: Fess Parker):
"Traded his coon-skin cap for a coon-skin coffin."

After more years than we care to admit and a whole lot of soul searching, we have decided to end this little thing. The O.B.E. Memorial Death Watch is no more. We appreciate all the time and support you guys have given us. Sorry we couldn't even see 2010 through to the end.


A great run, and lots of fun, and what I dread, the list is dead. Well done boys, well done.


April Fool

Should have gone with "Teddy Kennedy Still Alive: Living With JFK, John Jr, and Elvis in Mobile, Ala Penthouse"

Nice. I was about to write a fake OBIT for OBE when I noticed the date.

Guys - Say it isn't so. Honestly, my heart stopped when I read this. I think my heart only started beating again, because if I were a celebrity there'd be no one I'd deem worthy enough to report my death, except you guys. Please, please tell me, tell all of us, that this is just an April Fools Joke... please? The website is down...

If its not an AFJ, then I for one have to honor your decision. I'm not gonna say "this sucks", or anything even more vulgar than that, even if it does. It really is your decision to make. If it is not an April Fools joke, and you are ending it, then I have to say "Thanks for the Memories...". You two put a lot of your own time, sweat, and maybe even some tears into it. If it is an AFJ - good for you! I'm still afraid you are serious, and my heart is still fluttering with sadness. I'll tune in tomorrow, and hopefully get better news.

April Fools?



You sons of you know what!!!! You really had me going there. I really thought you bastards gave up on the OBE. I figured that maybe something came in one of your personal lives that required more of your time. I hate you guys but then again, It was such a great April Fools joke. I gotta hand it to you Beer guzzling, Death watching bastards. Oh..I don't really hate you guys.

Well...I am really glad the OBE lives on(or dies on, whichever you like best.

Hilarious indeed. You even took down your site, didn't you? Thanks, I figured I was out the money anyway . .

Can’t wait to see what kind of fun you will have with Lynn Redgrave’s name.

Huh? What's so funny about "Lynn?"

Love you guys big time but honestly, how is Ernie Harwell not a Celebrity. He is famous throughout the country as a baseball announcer, he has been in a couple of baseball movies, he has written over 80 songs and some were covered by famous singers!

Is it too late to switch out one celebrity and put Gary Coleman on my list?

Yes, it's too late. But you can add Dana Plato if you'd like. Sheesh.

VICTOR (RE: Gary Coleman):
Whach you talkin' bout reaper?

Peter Steele died of heart failure on April 14, 2010 at the age of 48

We said celebrities... and he ain't one... besides, no one had him on their list anyway... you know why? He ain't a celebrity...

I guess we can all rue the day that Ms. MaClanahan passed away!!!!!!

Sorry, I had to.

--I love it! But it needs updated-- John Wooden is dead! And if he's a celebrity, why isn't Bobby Bowden and Urban Myer? They're all College Coaches. And Alexis Ray Joel does concerts and has CDs and was in US Weekly. They should count, too. Not that I think any of them are likely to die this year...

Can't wait until 2011 (well, December 31, 2010) so I can submit my list!

Glad you like the site!!!

Yes, we know it needs to be updated but that may have to wait another week or so. Sometimes life (as in our lives) trumps death (as in the Death Watch).

As for Celebrity status, we've spilled a lot of digital ink on the topic over the years. You can check all that out in the archives. Bottom line, what we say goes. It's a regular tyranny over here at O.B.E. Central.

"When I am dead and am opened they will find West Virginia written on my heart." Sen Byrd.

and an expiration date of 2010.

I have been in your 'pool' for quite a few years now and I cannot understand one of my picks being 'disqualified' as a non-celebrity this year.

Ernie Harwell is not a 'celebrity' when Miep Gies IS???? How many beers have you guys had?

Seriously, when Ernie Harwell died, it was ALL OVER the news (TV, Internet, Radio, etc.). His passing was mourned throughout America.

Noone knows who Miep Gies even is. I GUARANTEE you that if you ask 1000 people on the street - more would know who Ernie Harwell is than Miep Gies.

Regardless of my Ernie Harwell pick, Miep Gies should NOT count as a celebrity.

We hear your pain, and you are not alone... however, it's funny that you phrase it as you do. Not long ago while on vacation, the two Guys met up with one our players, who had the very same gripe as you regarding Ronnie Hawkins (who we disallowed) vs. Miep Geis. He posed the same 'ask people on the street' scenario and guess what, we did - right there in the bar - and guess what? More people knew Miep Geis - by a landslide. Remember for us it's not fame, but celebrity. That invisible line where a famous person enters the public consciousness and becomes a part of pop culture. And having 90% of high school students being forced to read 'The Diary of Anne Frank" did it for good old Miep. Being the spokesman for Blue Cross-Blue Shield of Michigan, as Ernie did, just doesn't cut it. Ernie never transcended his own field to become that larger than life celeb; local hero, yes... true celeb, nope. Now then, you also say that you have been playing for a number of years... well.. in addition to the above line of thinking... He was posted all last year as being a ****Not A Celebrity*** on the web page and you still entered his name. How much more can we possibly do?


I agree - it's MY own fault. I looked 'after' I sent my list out. No big deal - I was just thinking out loud here.

I guess you make a good point about the kids reading the Diary of Anne Frank. And your Ronnie Hawkins story is great, as well!

When can entries for 2011 be submitted?

The 2011 O.B.E. will open on October 31, 2010.

Who actually wins at the finish. Most deaths or points?

Most Deaths is the primary factor. Points is used to break ties.

When you have time please update with all the new dead folks. A few I know of are: Gloria Stuart, and Tony Curtis.

THE GUYS (To the mailing list):
Yes, we know. WE KNOW!! Lot's of people have died. We haven't updated the page. WE KNOW!!! It will happen. When? We're not sure. But it will.

Unlike other people who are impatient and full of fault-finding talents, I am very patient and understanding. Life happens. Death happens. So whenever you get to us, we're fine!

And I should get points for being so understanding, because you may have noticed that the very famous football player George Blanda died a few days ago, and it was on all the news broadcasts, but in 2009 when I submitted my first Bye George list, you disallowed him.

So if I forgive you and understand how busy you are, and have compassion on your life's schedule and how people in our twisted, wonderful group might be wondering what you're doing, then don't let anything they say or do bother you.

You're okay.


I mean it!

Give yourself a break. Go have a beer or whatever your generation does to relax!

That was really sweet and gosh darn swell of you. We appreciate your empathy. Blanda, however, not a prayer.

Witty as always, even in the midst of life-overload. :)

Christopher Hitchens.....Noted author/journalist...would he be eligible for the upcoming O.B.E. pool?

We don't answer questions like that. You'll need to read the rules and decide for yourself.

Norman Wisdom.......really? WHO THE FLOCK IS THIS GUY?

Dorothy DeBorba Died in June. Want my points!! Whoopppeeeee!

(Several days later) I WANT MY CREDIT FOR DOROTHY. I know you are reading this. And I am aware you hate me because I am so much better at Texas hold em. So Come on GIVE ME MY POINTS!!!!!!!!

(Even more days later) Lets get Dorothy Deborba credited already, for the love of Ronnie Hawkins!

Fine, you got it. Finally. It's done. It's been done for days. A week even. Done, done, done. And another thing, Ronnie Hawkins is a nobody. Nah, nah, nah.

Here are my picks for this year. I apologize for my lack of fiscal support last year and I will send double this year. I have also changed my team name, not that you should care, but I’m ‘styxing’ with the Styx theme.

Thanks again for all your efforts and countless water cooler conversations.

We're not sure if you're a Renegade or if it's a Grand Illusion but hopefully, using your Crystal Ball you can Come Sail Away with the First place winnings in 2011.

Man, we hate Styx.

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